The death of the cryptocurrency

The topic of the future of cryptocurrencies has been a hot topic for years, with many experts and analysts speculating about whether or not they will disappear for good. While some believe that cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize, among other...

Why risk assets are rallying

Data leaked by the Federal Reserve is telling us that interest rate hikes are likely going to slow down, reducing an expected hike early this year from 50bps to 25bps, as the initially aggressive rate hikes have started to help with inflation. This is an interesting...

Currency strength for speculative trading

What is currency strength? We have previously written about currency strength, as this Currency strength is a very powerful concept when applied properly. Let’s take a closer look. Currency strength, also known as relative strength, is a metric used to measure...

3 things to know about interest rate swaps

What are interest rate swaps? Interest rate swaps are financial derivatives that allow two parties to exchange a stream of interest payments on a specific principal amount. They are used as a hedge against interest rate risk and to speculate on changes in interest...

Happy New Year, Make 2023 count

I want to take the opportunity to wish you and your family a happy New Year, and share a few thoughts. As we move into the new year I think it’s important to reflect on the events that affected all of us over the past two or so years, and begin to ask ourselves...